
GTB Components Ltd is the leading powder metal parts manufacturer aims to produce the best quality ferrous and stainless steel sintered components which fully conform to our customers’ total requirements, at a competitive price. The Company has a Global customer base supplying the Automotive, Building Products and Home/Leisure Industries.

GTB Components Ltd is committed to sustainable manufacturing. We promote continual improvement and are focused in driving reductions in three key areas; waste, water and energy. Sustainability is key to a successful business and is at the forefront of our minds in relation to products as well as in our global facilities.

Sustainability is a core value for our business. At each one of our facilities, we’re focused on:

  • Operating an efficient and cost-effective system that uses as minimal energy as possible
  • Minimising emissions
  • Recycling/reusing waste products where possible in line with the waste hierarchy
  • Many of GTB Components raw materials used are produced from recycled scrap
  • Reduce waste at each stage of our manufacturing process

“Sustainability is vital to a successful business.  We strive to understand our environmental impacts and manage associated risks, and continue to drive improvement opportunities.   GTB Components Ltd have a responsibility to reduce our environmental impact in all areas of our business.”

James Corcoran
Managing Director  

  • Example 1:-     Factory LED lighting is controlled automatically to adjust to preset luminance and to automatically switch off if an area is unmanned
  • Example 2:- . Approx 75% of GTB Components raw materials are produced from recycled scrap
  • Example 3:-  Developed and Patented a process to produce cross holes during compaction which removed the need for expensive and material wasteful, secondary drilling operation.
  • Example 4:-   Reduced electricity consumption from 20 KWh to 7.5 Kwh on 20 high speed production presses.   This energy saving had no effect on press productivity.
powder metal parts
GTB Components
stainless steel sintered components
ferrous sintered components